Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Danae buat Blogspot??

 Hi genk, can you believe it? aku, Danae? buat blogspot??? Insane.

Sebab Kamalia sengaja tengok balik and tunjuk blogspot2 lama dia, Nana, dgn Shaiba punya. Tiber rasa 'inspired' lah konon nak buat blog for no reason at all.

Tak ni ha.. yg lagi gila, i've had other blogspots before from 2011?? I don't even remember man that's krazi. Sejak bila aku ada blogspot siot i can't believe it at all. So this time, aku buat sendiri blog out of my own will. Kalau sesiapa jumpa ni in the future.. i'm sorry..

Aku tgh on call dgn Kamalia kat discord jugak at the same time, dia pun tgh buat post skrg ni kat blog dia hahaha. org gila.

Ok lah, tu je kot. See u later ;) mwah xoxo

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Hi genk, harini saya dapat.. BLADE!! FROM HONKAI STAR RAIL !!   I've been saving for him after Jing Yuan, pity 60, 50/50.. Ada about 46...